New Delhi: The IPL 2025 mega auction is currently underway in Jeddah. On the second day of the auction, Chennai Super Kings (CSK) made a surprising move by acquiring a bowler from Tamil Nadu at a price more than seven times his base price. Gurjapaneet Singh, the fast bowler, has been picked up by CSK for the upcoming edition. Despite having a base price of 30 lakhs, the team secured his services for a whopping 2.2 crores.
The true testament of trusting the process over results!
Watch the inspiring story of our newest Super King, Gurjapneet Singh! #UngalAnbuden
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL) November 25, 2024
Who is Gurjapaneet?
Gurjapaneet’s story is no less than a film story. He was born in Ludhiana, Punjab. Later he moved to Ambala, Haryana, where he grew up and learned to play. At the age of 17, he moved to Tamil Nadu. Here he got a chance to play in the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL). In 2021, he made his debut in this league. By taking seven wickets in one edition, he left a deep impression on the selectors.
Created a stir by taking 15 wickets in a season:
This left-arm bowler has now become a part of the five-time IPL winner CSK. He has also bowled for this team in the nets earlier. Playing for S Madurai Panthers in TNPL 2023, he created a sensation by taking 15 wickets. Recently he was also selected for the Ranji Trophy. He also plays for Tamil Nadu in domestic cricket.
Bowler’s career:
Recently a picture of the 26-year-old bowler with Virat Kohli went viral. Actually, the first Test match between India and Bangladesh was played in Chennai. During this time he was seen in the practice session. Talking about his career, he has taken 13 wickets in four first-class matches. At the same time, he has taken two wickets in one T20 match.