On Wednesday, Harbhajan Singh raised eyebrows with a mysterious social media post, fueling rumors of a potential fallout between him and ex-Indian skipper MS Dhoni. The duo, who shared memorable victories in the World Cups of 2007 and 2011, surprised fans when Harbhajan disclosed that he hasn't exchanged a word with Dhoni in over ten years.
In a conversation with News18, Harbhajan shared the startling fact that he and Dhoni have not communicated outside the cricket field for more than 10 years. "No, I don't speak to Dhoni. When I was playing at CSK, that's when we spoke, but otherwise, we haven't spoken. It's been 10 years and more," Harbhajan said.
He added that during his brief stint with Chennai Super Kings (CSK) from 2018 to 2020, the interaction was strictly professional, limited to on-field discussions. "When we were playing in the IPL at CSK, that's when we used to talk, and that, too, was restricted to the ground. After that, he did not come to my room, nor did I go to his," he further explained.
The timing of Harbhajan's comments coincided with a cryptic post on X (formerly Twitter), which further fueled speculation about his strained relationship with Dhoni. Harbhajan shared a message that read, “Strangers can become best friends just as easy as best friends can become strangers.”
Although he did not mention Dhoni by name, the post was quickly interpreted by netizens as a subtle reference to the former captain, adding another layer of intrigue to their relationship.
No ill feelingsWhile Harbhajan emphasized that he harbors no ill feelings towards Dhoni, his words hinted at a disconnect that has lingered for years. "I don't have anything against him. If he has something to say, he can tell me. But if he did, he would have told me by now," he remarked.
Harbhajan, however, made it clear that he values mutual respect in relationships, especially with those he considers friends. "A relationship is always about give and take. If I respect you, I hope you will respect me back. Or you respond to me," he said.
Harbhajan admitted that if his attempts to reach out are ignored, he simply moves on. "But if I call you once or twice but don't get a response, I will probably only meet you as much as I am needed to," he added.
Dhoni, who led India to incredible success, including the 2007 ICC T20 World Cup, 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup, and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy, is widely admired for his leadership and tactical acumen. However, his reign also saw a changing of the guard, with younger players like Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, and R. Ashwin being pushed into more prominent roles, often leaving senior cricketers like Harbhajan and Yuvraj Singh on the sidelines. This shift in dynamics may have played a role in the growing distance between Dhoni and Harbhajan.
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